Monday, February 11, 2013

Parhas Terumah - A Thought on the First Rashi

"And HaShem spoke to Moshe saying. Speak to the Children of Israel and have them take for me an offering. From every man whose heart impels him to generosity shall you take my offering."
Exodus 25:1-2

"Have them take for me an offering."
Lee (for me) means: for the sake of my Name."
Rashi on Exodus 25:2

In my experience as volunteer fundraiser for a few decades, people have different motivations for giving Tzedaka. Some do it to fit in with friends or neighbors who contribute, others do it to support a cause they like, some like the honor or recognition they receive, while still others enjoy the warm fuzzy feeling of doing good. Or it could be a combination of a few of these reasons.

But how often do we give ... primarily because its a mitzvah to do so? I'd like to think this idea occupies us when we give. But I must admit that, at least for me, this thought is often not at the forefront of my mind when I write a check or proudly mail in an envelope.

Rashi's comment can prompt us to keep in mind that, above all the personal inspirations, we should be giving simply because He asked us to do so - "for the sake of my Name.'

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