Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Parshas Naso - Blessings

This week’s Torah reading introduces the text of the Priestly Blessing, which should be quite familiar to us: “And God spoke with Moshe saying: Speak with Aharon and his sons, saying: “This is how you shall bless the Children of Israel, saying to them: May Adonoy bless you and protect you. May Adonoy cause his face to shine upon you and favor you. May Adonoy lift his face to you and grant you peace.” (Numbers 6:22-27).

One question we can ask on this section: Since God is the true source of all blessings in our lives, how can any man or set of men – such as the Kohanim (priests) – be designated to bless others?

Rabbi Raphael Pelcovitz raises this question and answers it by citing a midrash, that ties the Priestly Blessing to God’s promise and exhortation to Abraham, centuries earlier: “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great and you should be a blessing.” (Genesis 12:2). The message of both God’s directive to Abraham and His gift of the Priestly Blessing to the Kohanim is that certain people have a unique opportunity – through their service, and through the examples they set – to be a blessing to others.

If the Kohanim live their lives in an exemplary fashion, and teach their fellow Jews with love and skill, then their blessings have true power. I would assert that the same principle holds true for all parents who bless their children with these words on Friday nights – if our relationship with our children throughout the week is one of love, patience, and concern, then our benediction on Shabbat evenings have tremendous potential. 

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